Learning from Nature


Nature, what is that? We often say that word.
Nature is the natural, physical, or material world or universe. We live in nature and we use it.

Nature is not just a remote location where society, bonded by a last name or kinship, goes to dodge the ball of everyday life. Even though one can use nature as a refuge of their choice, it is much more. Nature is what we see, touch, smell, and hear. It is sunshine, snow, thunder, and lightning. It can be a peaceful weekend getaway or Mother Nature throwing natural disasters wherever she wants. Nature is what we see outside our bedroom windows, it’s the forest, it’s the city, it’s even the illegal plant called marijuana. Does that make nature a bad thing? No, I don’t think nature is out to get anyone. I believe that nature is pure beauty; it’s the only thing I believe to be absolutely true, or real. What you see is actually what you get, there are no illusions. Nature is natural, positive things will happen, yet there will also be accidents. Nature has no purpose but to exist and offer a place for life.
Nature provides what we wanted, we can get it from animals, plants, and other creatures in nature.
But why do we still destroy nature? Though nature has sacrificed a lot for us.
We breathe in oxygen, feet on the ground, eating fruit, meat, vegetables and other natural products, need water and light, and many more.

There is a beauty in our nature. Beauty is hard to define but easy to recognize. In nature beauty may be discerned in all things and places, even in the most unexpected regions of the earth.There is beauty in the variety of flowers, birds, animals and plants, many of which are vividly colorful. There is beauty in mountains, valleys and hills, and in the skies. Thus, beauty can be found in all the creations of God. Then hunter who scans the forests for his quarry is often fascinated by the beauty that he finds in objects, which conceal beautiful flowers from human sight, suddenly reveal their secrets to him when he stumbles over them. The fisherman who turns to the sea for his livelihood is fascinated by the beauty of the multitudinous creatures that swarm in the seas. Many of these creatures are found even on the shore. But the oceans often conceal the beauty that lies below their surface, and to catch a glimpse of the beauty of the world below the sea, hundreds of divers everywhere explore the bottoms of the oceans, even at the risk of losing their lives in the unknown regions of the world below.Even the farmer and the traveler appreciate the beauty that is found in nature. The farmer finds beauty in the variety of the plants that he grows. The traveler is impressed with the beauty of distant hills and mountains, and the beauty of meandering rivers in large valleys. He is also appreciative of the beauty of the night. As he travel in the moon-light, he looks at the landscape and is lost in admiration of it.The beauty in nature is also appreciated by others. Almost every one delights to see the rushing streams and the numerous birds and animals that may be found in every part of the earth, for these are part of the ornaments of nature. Even the tiniest of creatures has beauty of its own. In search of this beauty in nature, men in all parts of the world are traveling great distances and spending a great deal of money, even in some cases, even their life savings. It is this appreciation of natural beauty that impels men to visit distant lands which have a beauty of their own. Men have also visited the islands that are spread throughout the world in search of the natural beauty. Many have seen visited the cold deserts in the Artics as well as the hot deserts where few plants grow, in search of the beauty that may be found in these regions, despite the lack of vegetation and animals life. The deserts are indeed the home of many beautiful plants and animals which find sufficient refuge in these parts, and many of the birds too, here are remarkable for their beauty.But the person who is most appreciative of natural beauty is the poet who finds music and beauty even in the movement of the clouds and winds. His deep appreciation of the beauty that he finds around him impels him to give utterance to it in the most expressive language, which is itself often of imperishable beauty.  

So, what should we do? 

- Maintain and preserve nature instead of destroying it: We must to preserve nature, so our children in future can still enjoy the benefits of nature. We can do some action like reforestation. 

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- Walk more, drive less: Choose to walk short distances instead of taking out your car every time. Walk down to the gym, office (if it’s near), run errands (literally), etc. Or better still- use a bicycle. Besides saving nature, both walking and cycling are good forms of exercises. And each time you keep away from using you car, you contribute to reduce air pollution. Moreover, you consume less oil, preserving one of the greatest and most important natural resource. You also save money.

- Recycle, reduce, and reuse: Buy recyclable paper and sustainable products to protect forest species. Recycle your cell phones as well. Reuse all things that can be fixed or repaired. Collect books, used papers, old newspapers, magazines, bottles and any other things that you could sell to the junkyard. There’s money you can earn doing this, while doing your part for nature. You can recycle metals, like copper, silver, aluminum, etc. Scrap wire recycling is also a good way to recycle metals. 
  Start from this time, let's keep and maintain our nature, not exploying it, so our children in future can enjoy the benefit of nature
